Print, Post and Pass it on!

Final Draft
E-blast promotional piece reminding clients of services to include our custom webinars, newsletters and posters. Note the similarity of following Lifespeak relaunch and additional service offerings. Sorry, but my initial comps and designs were not available at this posting.

Lifespeak Relaunch Eblast

Final Draft

The final draft for client delivery ended up being a combination of my original concepts as seen below.
Click on the images for a larger preview.

Wellness Weekly Fact Sheets - Latest Postings

The Wellness Fact Sheets are a favorite design project for mine, which is created internally every week.

EAP Holiday Campaign

I created this weekly holiday e-mail campaign series/newsletter to help create a happier holiday season. The final Constant Contact e-blasts are shown on the left and the linked support pdf documents are shown on the right.
Initial 2014 Holiday e-blast and self help flyer and poster
Holiday Spending e-blast and self help flyers and posters
Picture Perfect e-blast and self help flyers and poster
Taking Care of You e-blast and self help flyer and poster
Holiday Fun e-blast and calendar